When she tucked herself against him, her skinny thigh slid between his legs and pressed the swell of his balls.
Until then, it had not occurred to her that there might be something shameful or dangerous about her skinny little thighs.
I will never have skinny thighs, nor anything short of muscular calves.
I hate her skinny thighs and her elitist attitude.
Today, in the sprawling Cite section of Kinshasha, hip young men defiantly step out for a Saturday night strut in Parisian suits with padded shoulders and skinny thighs.
Sarah squatted beside the fire, her skirts pulled up around her skinny brown thighs, slitting her eyes against the smoke as she waited for the soot-blackened billy to boil.
He found a corner to huddle in and called for help from the Stored Mind in the pod that hung between his wide-set, skinny thighs.
A woman climbing naked from a swimming pool, a "wet goatee between her skinny thighs".
He slung his pod between his skinny thighs and pulled on the rest of his clothes and put a call through to Harold-for they did not always fight-while he oiled his teeth.