His legs were thin and dark as sticks of dried tobacco, and the knees were enlarged knots out of all proportion to the skinny shanks.
Almost all seemed to be big, tall men, their skinny shanks depending amid the thick winter coats of their ill-tended ponies and their largish feet-generally bare, even in this bitter weather-almost dragging the ground.
His skinny shanks were not shown to any particular advantage by the latter.
He went out into the dawn and climbed to the crest of the dunes, then gathered the skirts of his chiton around his skinny shanks and squatted in the sand, facing the dawn.
"Better than my skinny shanks, at least," Gorgidas said to Viridovix.
The Standpipe's lean was becoming more and more acute as he stood there with his jeans plastered to his skinny shanks and his drenched paisley headband dripping water into his eyes.
In his long and skinny shanks there was none of the grace but all the intensity of a cat going about its fatal mousing, the patience, the grim reserve of a predator.
He pranced in front of Aboli like a wizened ape on skinny shanks.
However, this often gave men an unfair advantage: a fellow with skinny shanks or bow legs looked much better in trousers:the tubes of cloth hid the defects.
Father Fogden led the way, his skinny shanks a gleaming white as he kirtlcd his cassock about his thighs.