The removal of all the skin pigment with monobenzone is permanent and vigorous.
Hopefully there's a lot more to African based ethnicity and culture than skin pigment.
Uhura decided that the differences in skin pigment weren't racial, but an individual variation, like eye color.
Ever since school let out this summer, it had been nothing but skin pigment every livelong day.
It seemed to me it would have been better if God had deleted skin pigment altogether.
Their skin pigment ranges from a deep red through nearly any shade of orange to yellow.
Q. Is there any treatment for vitiligo, the loss of skin pigment that leaves white patches on the body?
Google User - 2 days 12 hours ago white people are so racist calling us monkeys because of our skin pigment giving out a color.
If everything went as planned, the body would produce just enough skin pigment and blood vessels would behave.
"Have you found a solution which will change the skin pigment back to normal again?"