Bleeding from the ears and skin also occurred".
Lastly, if the compound comes in contact with the skin or eyes severe skin and eye irritation may occur as well as burns.
Dr. Oz explains how sensitive skin occurs - and how you can take care of it.
In secondary and tertiary forms of Addison's, skin darkening does not occur.
Blisters and cracked skin may also occur.
Skin reactions such as peeling, itching, irritation, and reddened skin may occur, especially at the start of treatment.
Skin irritation, dry skin, oily or dry hair/scalp, or temporary hair loss may occur.
Blisters and cracked skin may also occur, leading to exposed raw tissue, pain, swelling, and inflammation.
Skin reactions such as peeling/burning/dry/reddened skin may occur, especially at the start of treatment.
If it is used incorrectly, unwanted skin lightening may occur.