However, genital skin fibroblasts of both subjects failed to express AR protein and did not show androgen binding (Table 1).
We have observed consistent and characteristic differences in the gene-expression patterns of skin fibroblasts derived from different locations on the body [ 11 ] .
The androgen binding activity of genital skin fibroblasts is typically diminished, although exceptions have been reported.
Activity is moderate in brain, heart and adrenal gland, and least in white blood cells and skin fibroblasts.
Effect of pantethine on the biosynthesis of cholesterol in human skin fibroblasts.
Specific tests of enzyme function (either in leukocytes, skin fibroblasts, liver, or muscle) are also employed under certain circumstances.
"Cell culture studies utilizing skin fibroblasts show that Retin-A reduces, not increases, collagen production," he says.
Therefore, the AR appears to be involved in setting long-lasting gene-expression patterns in genital skin fibroblasts.
The use of lymphoblastoid cell lines, while not all clonally derived, expanded the scope of genes to be assayed beyond those expressed in skin fibroblasts.
Zeatin has been reported to have several in vitro anti-aging effects on human skin fibroblasts.