Lactylates are also used in a variety of personal care products including shampoos, skin conditioners, lotions, barrier creams, makeup bases, lipsticks, deodorants, and shaving creams.
Egg oil has been used as a traditional face mask where it acts as an emollient, moisturizer, anti-oxidant, penetration enhancer, occlusive skin conditioner and anti-bacterial agent.
In 1986, the soap changed its formula, including a different scent, and adding skin conditioners.
The brands include Afta, a skin conditioner; Skin Bracer; Real anti-perspirant, and the Baby Magic products.
Some skin conditioners, emollients and hair products contain potentially dangerous cattle tissue that could enter the human body through cuts or the eye.
Non-bactericidal formulations are usually blended from an anionic detergent base and a skin conditioner either lanolin or glycerine.
Shampoo, hair conditioner, skin conditioner, nail polish, a couple of dozen large bottles.
The regimen includes a probiotic cleaner, skin conditioner, recovery complex to treat redness and discoloration, a treatment cream for lines and wrinkles, and a moisturizer with SPF 38.
Antimony and its compounds are used in several veterinary preparations like anthiomaline or lithium antimony thiomalate, which is used as a skin conditioner in ruminants.
Next, I dripped over to the nearest layer of thick gooey mud and slapped it all over me - it's an excellent skin conditioner reputedly.