After he had bought a television, Nevermann's father would leave the room if a woman appeared onscreen in a skimpy dress.
It brings out the girls in their skimpy dresses and the guys who want to see them.
It was hard not to notice Valentine's figure in the skimpy little black dress she was wearing.
Suddenly, after wearing sweatpants and T-shirts for five days, she put on this skimpy little black dress.
"Those skimpy dresses are going to drive my cowboys over the edge, Marly."
She clearly inspired the skimpy dresses that look put together from just a few scarves but are actually technical treasures much more complex.
At one point in time, she even suggested that women refrain from wearing "skimpy" and provocative dresses.
The skimpy dress had already dissolved away, leaving nothing to impede the motion.