The driver engaged the throttles and the black boat skimmed quickly across the water toward her mother ship.
Burying his face in the book, he read on, skimming quickly over the pages.
He took the evening newspaper and skimmed quickly through the story.
When Haley is away briefly, he takes the opportunity to quickly skim the journal.
Building brand is important to enable people to quickly skim over something and determine what they choose.
Anatoly skimmed through the paragraphs quickly, then read them again more slowly.
They are buzzing across the Pacific, keeping pretty low down so that the water skims quickly beneath them.
Presently they were quickly skimming low in the valley, about a mile from the cliff of fire.
Maggie quickly skimmed the letter and then let out a whoop.
They never heard of these issues and then have to skim over them quickly in six-point type.