Rummy grins devilishly and skillfully balances his glass on his cast in a silent toast.
Balancing skillfully, he climbed down the tower, dismounted, and bowed to Ssu-ma Chao, where he rode nearby.
The Modern Like the Met, the Museum of Modern Art skillfully balances intellectual goods with more functional and decorative items.
Moi skillfully balances his classical training and life-long experiences with his coveted talent of foreseeing the industry trends of upcoming years.
Her pictures of ordinary Vietnamese people and ordinary street scenes, taken in 1984, skillfully balance what she sees with what many people remember about the Vietnam War.
It floated through the air, was slowed by skillfully balancing air resistance and gravity, and finally made to come to rest above the spaceport.
Overall, though, it skillfully balances heights of wit with depths of feeling.
He skillfully balances this dichotomy to create works endowed with classic beauty and timelessness.
By skillfully balancing the military and the Colorado Party, Stroessner remained very much in control.
It is a compelling combination if the cook skillfully balances the hot peppers and the sweet elements.