The skillful management of resources under such rules allows players to influence the outcome of the game.
Under his skillful management federal relations with the Mormons improved.
"But you cannot maintain a 10 percent growth rate without very, very skillful management of the economy."
Under your skillful management, my capital will grow at the highest possible rate consistent with the need for total security.
International economics and the global environment are by definition two issues that know no boundaries yet demand skillful management to avoid large-scale disaster.
He administered a $370 million dollar budget and, through skillful management, reduced actual expenditures by over $20 million dollars per year.
Everything now depended on Julian's skillful management of an exasperated woman; and nobody, at that moment, knew where the woman was.
It focuses instead on business decisions marrying skillful management and social conscience.
The company has benefited from both luck and skillful management by Mr. Jenrette, analysts said yesterday.
The speech succeeded, not only exhilarating the delegates but capping a week of skillful political management.