A skillful diplomat, he was an inept military strategist and rarely participated in battle.
He was a skillful diplomat.
"How could someone who is such a skillful diplomat be so out of the loop?"
No, the Russians were among the world's most skillful diplomats and geopolitical thinkers, a trait that went back sixty years or more.
But those who know Peter Lam Both know that he is a highly persuasive, calm and skillful diplomat whose approach can hardly be rejected.
Burke was a skillful diplomat but not a great soldier.
Stephen Báthory became known as a skillful diplomat.
Precociously sophisticated in the ways of the world, Lara is already a skillful diplomat.
He knew several languages and was a skillful diplomat and manager.
He had no money of his own, but he was a skillful diplomat and he managed to live very comfortably on his pay.