Duryodhana was a skilled strategist also.
Batman is a skilled and controversial strategist who makes decisions which result in deaths, which he considers necessary for the defeat of his enemies.
He is a skilled ventriloquist and his Scarface persona is a skilled criminal strategist.
He's also an extremely skilled strategist, and when it comes down to it, he'd far rather be in a showdown with Cain than with Perry.
A skilled strategist, he was considered second in ability only to George Washington.
He is a skilled strategist and electrical engineer, having designed the Fortunato estate's security systems.
While not strong or possessing any real power which makes her feels useless, Christina later learns she is a skilled strategist, boosting her resolve.
Then he stilled himself, before the skilled strategist drew any more from him.
He is a skilled strategist and has a prosthetic left arm, replacing the one he lost.
Gideon Mace is a trained soldier and a skilled strategist.