A manpower resources' plan summarised the personnel requirements by skill category and headcount, together with the required training programme.
The bold can pay a tournament entry fee, step right up to the flippers and compete in the appropriate skill category.
A very high level of skill is needed to progress through the various skill categories.
A final way to collect orbs is by earning Xbox Live Achievements, which rewards the player with orbs from every skill category.
There are 10 skill categories with 3-9 skills each, for a total of 60 skills.
Each profession receives 20 starting ranks, divided among their favored skill categories, and can build from there with development points.
Players may earn experience points in several skill categories.
This is done largely through immigration laws that encourage recruitment in professional fields (special skill categories) like doctors and nurses in countries like Australia, Canada, and the United States.
There are variations on the basic events, including divisions by engine size and type, skill categories, and age of model design.
There are, broadly, four skill categories: subject, information handling, social and technical skills.