Hee-dong showed off his skiing skills to Jeong-an as friends decided to go skiing at a shopping centre.
Open to skiers of all ages, the sessions cover basic skiing skills as well as the selection, care and use of equipment.
If your skiing skills are up to the challenge, take a guided tour of the area ($30 a person, 970-349-2252).
It is also one of the best ways to improve your skiing skills, said Beattie, because it requires skiers to turn precisely on the course.
Through all of this, the four main skiing skills - balance, turning, edging and pressuring - are effectively covered.
Strong skiing skills are needed but not backcountry knowledge.
Women were judged on their beauty, ice skating, and skiing skills.
The real test of skiing skills at Stowe will be among the 350 employees of the 20 corporations subsidizing the event.
And by developing this ability to balance on skis, most recreational skiers will overcome a fundamental stumbling block to improving their skiing skills.
All the prisoners were taken along, while about half of the Norwegian soldiers were dismissed because of insufficient skiing skills.