But if we take money from the skiing federation to help us, we're ineligible for a college scholarship.
According to a technical delegate from the international skiing federation, Torbjorn Yggeseth, the four-meter-per-second headwind would have given Soininen an unfair advantage.
The skiing federation proposed raising the starting point of the downhill from the current 5,544 feet to 5,940 feet.
Upcoming Balkan competition required this to be improved and more precise and the skiing federation contracted Mr. Antonić to create a system for precisely timing each competitor.
For five years, they and other international ski powers, as well officials of the international skiing federation, known as FIS, complained to the organizers that the course was too short.
For five years, the top of the men's downhill course had simmered as a contentious issue between Olympic organizers and the international skiing federation.
Marc Hodler, the Swiss president of the international skiing federation, has complained that the course is too short and unchallenging.
She was member of honour of the Dutch skiing federation.
A descendant of Austrian royalty, and also Mexican nobility on his father's maternal side, he founded Mexico's skiing federation in 1981.
The rejection was done after pressure from the Norwegian skiing federation.