Even with high-performance fabrics, skiers need to dress in layers.
Classes last all day and Peabody suggests that skiers need strong legs to manage the course.
Also, skiers need to be able to weight one ski at a time to do this easily, otherwise it's not easy to learn.
Also, to keep momentum going, skiers need to be very fluid in their motions.
Savvy skiers need to watch the weather and the temperatures.
The turns are very close to each other, so the skier needs to get a very quick rhythm to go through all of them.
And really, how many recreational skiers need - or want - the feel of a racing boot?
As they do with most commandments, skiers needed to be reminded of them again for their own good.
Technology has changed ski equipment, slopes and even snow to the point where returning skiers may need a guide for the first day or so.
The skiers need at least two to three months to build up a good conditioning program.