It's certainly apt for a new governing body in London that needs to impress a skeptical electorate with a fresh approach.
A skeptical electorate tends to resist claims made in political ads.
Or, could a New York City bond issue, tamperproof funds used specifically to restore Central Park and other city parks, pass a skeptical electorate?
Before the news broke, he was a President in failing political health, facing an aggressive Democratic Congress and an increasingly skeptical electorate.
America's skeptical and well-informed electorate distrusts any other way of judging candidates.
She became the leading campaigner in the government's drive to persuade a somewhat skeptical electorate to replace the Swedish crown with the euro.
Governor Jim Florio, who had been largely ignoring the protest, met last week with its leaders and plans to step up efforts to explain his $2.8-billion tax program to a skeptical electorate.
The result is a skeptical electorate that trusts its own judgment more than the established sources of political authority - parties, elected officials or civic leaders.
But the package was defeated by a skeptical electorate, with many of the no votes coming from low-income Alabamians, whose taxes would have gone down.
However, a skeptical electorate rejected the proposal by a 2-to-1 margin.