It was a so-called skeletal model, which consisted of slim stainless steel tubes and rods.
This gave the Dreiding Stereomodels a very neat look, and made the assembly much quicker than for earlier skeletal models.
The 3D model approach can use volumetric or skeletal models, or even a combination of the two.
He was accompanied by a stunning skeletal Nordic model in a white sleeveless top whose pinstripes coordinated nicely with the track marks on her left arm.
Hidden-line removal - This step is only required by the cylinders of α-helices and the arrows of β-sheets, not skeletal models.
Or they can help assemble a skeletal model of a prestosuchus, a 14-foot-long reptile from the late Triassic period.
Calotte models are distinguished from other 3D representations, such as the ball-and-stick and skeletal models, by the use of "full size" balls for the atoms.
Did he check it against the skeletal model dangling in the center of the room?
They may draw from live models or from photographs, from skeletal models, or from memory and imagination.
The position of each segment of the skeletal model is defined by animation variables, or Avars.