Since some species are only represented by a few skeletal fragments, this sort of discussion is not uncommon in dinosaur palaeontology.
Many stone artifacts and skeletal fragments were found nearby.
Today the West Pier no longer exists except for some skeletal fragments.
From the skeletal fragments, they estimated there to be at least 1,234 individuals, rather than 1,178 reported between Moore and Webb.
These have been rendered into skeletal, stub-ended fragments by March 1966, when the chronicle ends.
The skeletal fragment of a finger.
The majority of the skeletal fragments were found in canyons under fine silt and sand.
The skeletal fragment from these caves were found belong to a child and a woman who inhabited in 377 A.D.
Many limestones are composed from skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera.
Most grains in limestone are skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or foraminifera.