The evening begins at 6:30 with a party and an open skating session.
While used primarily for ice hockey, it is also used for skating lessons, public skating sessions, the circus, high school graduation ceremonies, and other special events.
The prix-fixe breakfast includes free skating sessions for the children.
If you're not quite as nimble on the ice you can enlist an instructor to give you a supervised skating session for £32.
Recreational Management will charge adults $7 and children $5 for a two-hour skating session, and $4 to rent skates.
Three indoor rinks, rentals, public skating sessions, private and group instruction, snack bar, game room.
The price includes a free skating session on the Rockefeller Plaza rink.
Dinner will be served following an open skating session for guests that begins at 6:30 P.M.
She grimaced: her thighs were aching after a long skating session and her climb to Jossaryk House.
A 90-minute skating session at Silver Circle rink, at the base of Aspen Mountain, is $6.50, $4.50 for children.