This year alone, the agency had a budget of $3 billiion, with as sizeable percentage going toward university research.
When a sizeable percentage are buying to seel at profit, not to store value with minimal loss, there's a problem.
The war had produced higher than expected fatalities for the Indian military, with a sizeable percentage of them including newly commissioned officers.
The towers were home to affluent middle-class families; a sizeable percentage of the residents were foreign expatriates.
Although under no service obligation, a sizeable percentage of cadets later enlist in the military.
The Shadow's agents had done their part, slugging down a sizeable percentage of the Black Circle crowd.
Among the Asian-origin citizens Hindus constituted a sizeable percentage as reported in IRF 2006.
Many Hos are engaged in mining work but that does not add up to any sizeable percentage.
Most exergames elicit energy expenditures between light and moderate intensities, although in some studies a 'sizeable percentage' of players have performed at vigorous activity levels.
A sizeable percentage of them turned up at Kennedy International Airport in New York, the experts said.