And he was able to present a sizeable body of evidence in the form of these skewed distributions in both the 1934 and 1943 articles.
It was a sizeable body of Pandion Knights.
On his death in 1997, he left a sizeable body of work, published and unpublished, that is now housed at the National Library of Scotland.
An alternate but less likely explanation is an impact by a sizeable body.
He is survived by his two daughters, his sizeable body of work, and the artists it has inspired.
two sizeable bodies of pilgrims are approaching Chyrellos.
He is also the earliest Italian tenor to have left a sizeable body of recordings of his voice.
When a sizeable body from space strikes a planet's surface the impact speed will not be less than a few km/s.
We now have a sizeable body of European legislation on the subject, which means that this principle can be put into practice fully in all our Member States.
Monro paid a heavy price to learn that there was a sizeable body of French and Indians further up the lake.