Once paper rationing ended in 1956, the size of papers swelled and slumped as fluctuations in advertising revenue paid for more or fewer pages.
Over the next two blocks, the size of the flock swelled until it wasn't necessary to take a count to verify the increase.
The rivers and creeks lacing Honduras's mountainous countryside quickly swelled to several times their normal size, flooding entire towns.
In 1951, the compulsory training scheme was reintroduced and as a result the size of many CMF units swelled.
A fat cylinder the size of a house swelled above the jeep: the life-support section, bound to the main hull by a narrower neck.
In non-breeding groups the size of the gathering can swell and swell, especially during migrations of the type seen in wildebeest and salmon.
The Iraqi community alone, its size swelled by the Persian Gulf war, numbers about 3,000.
Compared to them, the size of the French resistance was smaller, numbering around 10,000 people in 1942, and swelling to 200,000 by 1944.
Hutchinson proved to be extremely charismatic at propounding on Cotton's ideas during these conventicles, and eventually the size of her conventicle swelled to 80 people and had to be moved from her home to the church building.
The Army awarded the logistics contract to Halliburton in 2001, on a competitive basis, but its size has swelled since the Iraq war, with additional work awarded to Halliburton without competition.