What's going to happen when the size of sixth forms shrinks?
The size of the mission will shrink by half, to about 30.
Meanwhile, the size of the choir had shrunk by 25 percent.
In California, progress is measured best only by how the size of the state's problems has shrunk.
Like the country as a whole, Gyeongju has seen its population age and the size of families shrink.
The size of drug gangs in recent years has shrunk, investigators said.
In fact, a more prudent policy would have been to let the overall size of these institutions shrink, or at least stop growing.
The size of the labor force shrank by 91,000 people, to 8.52 million.
The size of our fleet would shrink from its current 282 ships to fewer than 230.
The size of the average board, he said, was shrinking from 13 members to 12.