However the size of the congregation declined steeply during the late 20th century and the Chapel closed in 1989.
During the 20th century, the size of the congregation declined.
The size of the freshman class declined by about one third, but average grades and test scores rose.
Lake levels and the size of the park's mountain glaciers may decline as a result.
Over time, these arbitrage profits have become riskier, and their average size has declined.
The newspaper's size also declined during this period to only about four pages by 1918 because of the war.
The size of the Old Ones, too, he curiously declined to mention.
In the last several years, the size of the rebel force has declined from about 12,000 fighters to an estimated 7,000.
As the first baby boomers reach retirement age, the size of the public sector work force will decline.
At the same time, the overall size of the Japanese market declined because of the economic slump here.