The small size of the credit unions, combined with extremely low educational endowments among the people, presented important management challenges.
Yet the sheer size of what was once Western Electric, combined with its lumbering reputation, have made A.T.&T. the target of every American and foreign equipment manufacturer.
The size of Palystes spiders, combined with the banding on the underside of the legs exposed when the spider is in threat pose, give them a fearsome appearance.
The small size of the door, combined with the complex carven lock, prevented wholesale theft of stored grain.
However, the large size and height above surroundings of modern industrial wind turbines, combined with their moving rotors, often makes them conspicuous.
The team's size, combined with Holloway's open-court ability, should allow the Pirates to run on opponents.
But in several ways it illustrates the group's strengths: size combined with flair, a strong French base from which to develop business abroad, and a flexible structure.
However, the size of the campus, combined with its curving roads and lack of a centralized quadrangle, can make it difficult for newcomers to navigate.
The larger size of the sign and text, combined with the flashing lights and color, made the façade easily visible to fast-passing cars.
The atlas continues to be a 'must-have' for libraries and better-off homes, on account of its almost unrivalled size combined with a policy of detailed updating.