A southwest breeze had stirred up sizable waves and to avoid taking on too much spray my skipper kept the motor at half throttle.
One of the predictions is that in such conditions, sizable gravitational waves will be produced.
The occasional splatter of a sizable wave broke over the rim of the coracle but the organic pump in the bilge could handle that.
Still, developers and analysts say there is a sizable wave of people to support new communities.
It pitched madly, listing far to port, then to starboard, threatening to capsize when another sizable wave washed over the deck.
For the most part, they are owned by Irish men who came to New York during the sizable wave of immigration in the early 1980's.
Developers are betting there will be a sizable wave of buyers who will choose active-adult housing and the lifestyle it offers and that some of them will opt for luxury as well.
European Americans are largely descended from colonial American stock supplemented by two sizable waves of immigration from Europe.
A sizable "wave" of ethnic Russians emigrated during a short time period in the wake of the October Revolution and Civil War, known collectively as the White émigrés.
The Jinga was now wide and deep and the wind raised sizable waves.