Bill's flailing hands found a sizable rock.
He grabbed a sizable rock and hurled it as far as he could, back and to the right.
Either it had hit a sizable rock or had been ambushed by Leviathan and totally destroyed.
Pebbles and even sizable rocks did not impede him.
Relieved, I sank down on the southwest corner of the parlor-a sizable moss-grown rock.
The fallen man lay surrounded by sizable rocks, and it was impossible to maneuver the sled any closer to him than three or four meters.
For the solid draft-beasts were capable of shoving sizable rocks about and starting an avalanche.
In desperation he began to search the cellar, looking for some tool or other, and found himself two sizable rocks.
Sure enough, the Roller was lifting a sizable rock into the cup-shape.
"She managed, during that talk, to throw a sizable rock into my tranquil pond."