The personal financial planning process is according to ISO 22222:2005 a six-step process as follows:
As practiced in the classroom, PAL involves a six-step process:
Using a computer metaphor, the reformulated social information-processing model outlines a six-step nonlinear process with various feedback loops linking children's social cognition and behavior.
The book lists the fundamental principles of achieving success in life organized in a six-step process and a plan of action.
Guffey, Rhodes and Rogin have come up with a six-step process for dealing with conflict in teams.
This is a six-step process which considers the children's primary support needs, child care and extraordinary medical expenses, and the SOLA.
The book introduces the concept of a design recipe, a six-step process for creating programs from the problem statement.
Essentially it is a six-step process:
When selling an item, users proceed through a six-step process, prompting the user to:
The first step of the six-step process used to teach "focusing" involves setting aside one's current worries and concerns to create a "cleared space" for effective inner reflection.