The Assembly changed the law, however, to include the six-month limit.
A six-month limit on stays in the recuperation program would also be enforced, they said.
We have a six-month limit for families, unless they can document a reason to stay longer.
Note however that an applicant cannot petition for an extension of time beyond the six-month limit.
The Governor's proposal would also set a six-month limit on general assistance payments to adults; there is no time limit now.
In addition, hospices, under pressure from the Federal Government, are getting stricter about adhering to their six-month limit.
The House bill, approved last December by a vote of 230 to 194, places a six-month limit on these public service jobs.
Minnesota's law covers all communicable diseases and has a six-month limit.
But roughly, Lisele learned, with the same range and acceleration; the six-month limit still held.
The Legislature should mandate a six-month limit on the city's involvement in kinship foster care placements.