Their six-foot height gives them stature, makes you wonder how weighty their literary output.
He was big, too, topping her six-foot height by several inches, with broad shoulders and a deep chest.
Churchman stood up, to his full six-foot height.
He rose to his tall six-foot two-inch height and walked to meet them.
Who would not cringe when he stood up on two legs, his six-foot height looking more like 60?
Now the box and yew planted earlier is growing well, although it will take some years to reach its final six-foot height.
They looked unusually small for his six-foot height, so he couldn't be Footsie.
High enough to be trouble climbing, perhaps two or three times my six-foot height.
He was turning on the charm, and she was smiling up at his six-foot height.
My neck was beginning to feel strained looking up at her six-foot height from my knees.