The station's six-day weekly schedule consisted of live talent four nights, and film two nights.
Urban and key schools almost invariably operated on a six-day full-time schedule to prepare students for further education and high-level jobs.
Changes affecting the six-day schedule or mail facilities would require Congressional approval.
The festival began as a three-day event and has grown since to a six-day schedule.
The Shadow knew why the Time Master liked the six-day schedule.
It's the busiest day of the six-day schedule his store now maintains.
And both trustees and the county understand the symbolic and practical importance of returning the museum quickly to a normal six-day schedule.
Trade takes its form in the way of barter markets that occur on a six-day schedule.
Though the six-day schedule has kept patronage steady, library administrators say that schedule has increased pressure on dwindling book reserves.
Teams will participate in a 60-day rotation for United States Army Personnel with classes operating on a six-day a week schedule.