The medical community in Memphis has gravitated together in a six-block area between Union and Madison.
The authorities shut off power and gas to the area immediately and evacuated a six-block area that included an elementary school.
One indication, they said, was a decline in the number of prostitution arrests in the six-block area, from 164 in 1992 to 78 last year.
They also built two 30-story office towers and the Worthington Hotel in the six-block area.
A running battle occurred throughout the night between National Guard troops and picketers in a six-block area surrounding the plant.
The collapse caused chaos yesterday as officials blocked off a six-block area on one of the city's main thoroughfares.
The district was designated by the City of Birmingham in 1992 and covers a six-block area.
All houses within the six-block area had been taken over as an officer's compound or for important civilian officials, falling into both categories, really.
In a few years, more than 30 black families had bought into a six-block area that became called South Kinloch Park.
The council eventually agreed to a paving experiment in a six-block area of the San Ignacio neighborhood.