The US Marines requested a further expansion of the camp, but the improving military situation precluded the expansion.
We knew then that the company's financial situation precluded their helping us.
The logistical situation precluded this however, and he was forced to march to Jämsä.
Not until 5 p.m. was Gregg able to communicate with senior commanders and return to his men's position to execute an attack, which the situation then precluded.
Its use in an emergency requires a presence of mind that the situation itself might preclude.
The strategic situation in Normandy precluded the reinforcement of the weakened 352nd division.
The current tough economic situation precludes compliance with the Maastricht criteria on budget balance, so Lithuania cannot expect to have the euro before 2013-2015.
Maria had initially refused his marriage proposal, stating that they were not meant for each other and that his poor financial situation precluded marriage.
This situation precluded sales of the Canadian series to the lucrative American market.
Olympia believes in arts and in audiences, but our financial situation precluded the art she developed.