And that's what makes the situation complicated.
But the situation is complicating some of the administration's initiatives, including its proposal for a big increase in military spending.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that many local governments have approved privatization laws far more liberal than this one.
A situation further complicated by the fact that Lilith is probably actually here, somewhere.
We can never go back, and now the situation complicates.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that different stellar populations generally do not have all types of stars in them.
The situation is further complicated by the fact that all of these studies have flaws.
A situation almost surely complicated by the arrival of visitors from another world, he mused.
The company said that it fully intends to roll the site out internationally over time, but licensing issues make the situation "complicated."
His situation complicated because of an arritmia, the diabetes and arterial hypertension.