Many sites incorporate animal burials beneath the floor, the most common bones being those of young lambs.
Even as they mimic television, these sites incorporate the social networking and communication tools of cyberspace.
The site covers almost two acres (8,000 m2) and incorporates at least 650 rooms, with some estimates rising to 800.
In most cases, sites that use audio have not yet incorporated closed-captioning devices.
The site incorporates a large area of contiguous mallee habitat.
The site incorporates a defensive ditch or moat and includes a fortification wall.
However, "newer sites have incorporated imagery and styles from other fads."
Today's site incorporates a leisure club, private bar, tennis courts, swimming pool and outdoor nature reserve.
The site of the settlement is now a reserve incorporating four graves from the period.
The site now also incorporates a special school, which opened in September 2004.