Manhattan Avenue and 107th Street, a site frequented by drug dealers, is widely regarded as among the worst in the borough.
In the Middle Ages, it was a significant silver mining site, frequented by Ragusan merchant caravans.
The Nielsen ratings still won't keep a youngster from Googling his or her way to a trailer on a site mainly frequented by grown-ups.
Discusses sites frequented by Washington during war and peace.
It became the subject of comment on sites frequented by Macintosh fans.
During the Republican era, it was an unwholesome site frequented by the destitute.
Vulture Peak Mountain is, by tradition, one of several sites frequented by the Buddha and his community of disciples for both training and retreat.
Shortly afterwards, the documents appeared at a site frequented by climate skeptics, and have since been mirrored elsewhere.
Marius Engh makes curiously inviting photographs of sites frequented by homeless people in Stockholm.
Or the retailer might look for sites frequented by people who matched its demographics but who had not visited the site.