The site employs about 1,200 workers and has an area of 148 hectares.
At its peak, the site employed 2,500 workers simultaneously.
The site has been there for over 25 years and currently employs in the region of 650 people.
Once fully developed, park officials expect the site to employ roughly 3,000 scientists, technicians and engineers.
The site employs 782 full-time workers (most from the immediate area which is an isolated region).
The site employs five full-time writers who travel to events throughout the year and report back immediately.
It is reported in 2007 that the site employs 90 journalists worldwide.
The site employs around 7,500 workers and is a significant employment source in the area.
The site also employs reporters, with one assigned to each team for the season and others serving more general beats.
The site employs 250 people and represents a private capital investment of $44 million.