In one instance the claimed site of the drilling corresponded with an actual red mark on the back of experiencer's head.
Our developing knowledge of the geography of the Hittite kingdom makes it very likely that the site corresponds to the city of Wilusa.
Early Soanian sites correspond to the Acheulean period.
The site corresponds to modern Istinye.
Its site probably corresponds to that of a 4th century Roman fortress known as Duacum.
Other sites of expression correspond to stem cell populations that give rise to multiple differentiated tissues (tail bud mesenchyme, pharyngeal endoderm and mesenchyme).
Furthermore, the site where the GC skew sign switches corresponds to origin or terminal.
The site corresponds exactly to Ibn Fadlan's description of the size, nature, and structure of the settlement.
The number of phosphorylated sites corresponds to the concentration of Cln/cdc28 and Sic1 could be considered as a sensor for this protein.
This site corresponds to the location of the autophosphorylation site in the activation loop of Src-related kinases [ 34].