So this would include, geology, site conditions, tree health and other forest factors.
It was visually pleasing while also being innovative in terms of the structure and its response to pre-existing site conditions.
Johnson and Dinsmore imply that this likely results from both species preferring similar site conditions.
So are the site conditions, the building's physical and visual context.
It has its own order, which technical innovation and different site conditions maintain in a state of flux.
The building's strongest feature is the adaptability of its structural system to different site conditions.
What we are concerned with, however, are the changes which have occurred in the local site conditions of many settlements.
An allowance is made for corrosion depending on the site conditions and local building codes.
This saves construction cost as well, since working around difficult site conditions is much more cost-effective than clear-cutting.
This so-called 'shelf life' is dependent on a number of factors, including economic and stand site conditions.