A sit-in demonstration was held and demonstrators occupied the Freedom Square in Sulaymaniyah.
During the following days and months the four students were joined by other students in their sit-in demonstration, until the lunch counter was integrated in July.
Several hundred mainland Chinese held a sit-in demonstration at the government headquarters here throughout the case.
Once, when students had a sit-in demonstration against the Americans, I told them: "Be quiet, be careful in your way of dealing with them.
Turner was an 27-year-old unemployed awning installer in Houston who fell victim to the enmity caused by continuing sit-in demonstrations against segregation.
Mr. Young had been there earlier when he was making a documentary for the network on the sit-in demonstrations of the civil rights movement.
Early this morning, the police detained about 200 people staging a sit-in demonstration at Tiananmen Square, according to foreign news agencies.
There, Vivian participated in his first sit-in demonstrations, which successfully integrated Barton's Cafeteria in 1947.
The students then began doing reconnaissance for sit-in demonstrations.
The demonstrations culminated in a sit-in demonstration by over 300,000 students at Memorial Square in Taipei.