(a greeting to a dour clown sitting disconsolate with his dog) in 1893.
He sat in the darkness with his dog and wished he could change places with him.
Mary sat with her little dog in her hands and watched it, all day long.
He obviously can't do anything else but sit with his dog and ask for money, and Jonny feels very bad for him.
And now here she sat in Martin's house with Richard's dog on her lap.
How long had it been since he'd sat with his dog, watching the bright yellow sun Capella slide below the soft hills of Mypor?
The closing image begins as a medium shot of Andrei sitting with his dog in the Russian countryside of the opening scene.
On a roadside bench ahead an old man sat with his dog.
Queen Milena sat at the table, as she always did, with her tiny little dog held in one arm.
I remember one night, sitting with our dog, on a lifesaver on the steps of the pool.