Now, sitting with her daughter, Adrienne recalled those plans, musing that in the past, there had been moments when she'd almost believed they'd really happened.
Ali's intense voice came from the makeshift mattress where she sat with her daughter.
I got on the bus and noticed a 30-something man sitting with his daughter, about 3, in the back of the bus.
It was hard to believe that here we were, more than three decades later, sitting with our daughter discussing her upcoming wedding.
Concerned about how our children were handling the separation and impending divorce, I sat down the other day with my 12-year-old daughter.
She was sitting on her porch with her retarded daughter, Kiersten.
Valeri ran down the lawn toward the bench that overlooked the large birch tree where he always sat with his daughter.
He forced his way into the room, where I was sitting with my daughter, and made some incoherent remark about having missed his train.
My Victim was still in the restaurant very near us in this hotel, sitting with his beautiful daughter.
Why don't you go sit with your daughter?