Charlie sat motionless and seemingly undisturbed, but his heart was bitter.
A pink puck sat undisturbed on the bottom 8 feet down and in the middle of the 75-foot-long pool.
In a good glass left to sit undisturbed, Champagne bubbles can continue to rise for 45 minutes or longer.
Oddly, there was an enormous chair, bulky and plain looking, sitting undisturbed in the center of the room.
Cover the pan with a clean dish towel, replace the lid and allow to sit undisturbed for 10 minutes.
We had to walk some distance before we could find a place Ebenezum might sit undisturbed.
The precise date was something else still sitting undisturbed in his memory, with blank holes knocked all around it.
Tuvok sat calm and seemingly undisturbed by the morning's events.
Insects hurried around on business, but otherwise the two men sat undisturbed in the humid shadows.
The tea set, however, sat relatively undisturbed on a shelf.