"She certainly will be, if we sit tamely by and wait for the river to go down-or I waste all my time debating the matter with craven minstrels."
Why did you tell Will Hutton you would make a stand over the veto then sit tamely on the front bench while Cameron humiliated you ?
It seemed such sheer nonsense to be sitting tamely there, when she was at a dance with more lovers than man could calculate fluttering about her--with the whole party doting on and adoring her, and wanting to marry her.
His explorations had brought him fully awake and he watched with interest as "the clan's vessel" made its debut on the screen, looking like nothing so much as an asteroid, sitting tamely in orbit about Lytaxin.
One day," he shouted, "we will not sit tamely here, awaiting your fall.
Who can endure to leave the Future all unguessed, and sit tamely down to groan under the fardel of the Present?
"Die a natural death or not, Quintus Catulus, are you inferring that we just have to sit tamely on the side of the battlefield and watch Caesar stir up trouble?"