Kirk sat spellbound by the vision, amazed that he'd never appreciated it before.
They sat spellbound by the splendor and silence of the falls.
I sat spellbound, all of us did, even the twins.
The show was marvelous; Claribel sat spellbound, her eyes on the stage listening and watching, afraid to miss a single moment of it.
Flint paused as the audience sat spellbound, trying to comprehend the cultural import of what they were seeing.
I sat spellbound for nearly an hour, until the exquisite pain of that knowledge abated.
The children sat spellbound, hanging on every word, just as they had the first time.
The children would sit quiet and spellbound, for these were wonderous things.
When the videotape began to play in a Queens courtroom this week, the jurors sat spellbound.
Children sat spellbound by his aboriginal tales and wonderful verses.