It was the most disheveled portion of his appearance, for she cut his hair herself while he sat restlessly under the scissors.
People sat restlessly and whispered noisily during the performances.
She worked little, sitting for long hours with half-finished tapestry on her lap or pacing restlessly before the fire.
One recent afternoon he sat restlessly at the Padillas' dining-room table.
He pulled a straight-backed chair beside the bed and sat restlessly on the edge.
The show contains two free-standing sculptures (although one sits restlessly in a chair).
I sat restlessly for a while, got up, found the men's room, and washed my face.
The plane sat restlessly on the ground, engines throbbing, aching to be off.
Throughout the testimony, Bill Ballard sat restlessly in the chair designated by Canadian courts as the prisoner's box.
He did an imitation of a boy sitting restlessly at a table, squirming, flopping, pulling his legs under him, putting his head on the table.