At the wedding reception held at the Avila house Raymond finds Chuco sitting inconspicuously on the front porch.
This was a plain steel box with a glass face that sat inconspicuously in one comer of the room.
They may also capture prey through aerial pursuit after inconspicuously sitting and watching their target.
Mr. Ackroyd, an unannounced guest, was sitting inconspicuously in the second row wearing sneakers, jeans, a blue vest and a baseball cap.
Amid soaring office towers, his little two-story brick building sat inconspicuously on the corner of Rector and Greenwich Streets.
Many of the pieces were not catalogued and sat inconspicuously in the library basement until 2009.
Tarekh Firkazzie entered the chamber and sat inconspicuously in one of the gallery seats.
Sitting inconspicuously on the steps of the castle was a man writing in a notebook.
Sitting inconspicuously on a shelf is an Apple-1, the 1976 machine that helped set off the personal computing revolution.
Fritz and I sat inconspicuously at the end.