The pilot was sitting impatiently at the controls of the slick.
He sat impatiently through a long, lurid report of another murder in Griffith Park.
All concertgoers have had the experience of sitting impatiently through pieces they didn't much like, thinking: "What's the music doing now?"
The young Iraqi lieutenant sat impatiently on the passenger seat of the supply truck headed for the complex.
Constantine's department heads sit impatiently in the plastic chairs and glance frequently at their watches.
We exchanged pleasantries as her friend, sitting impatiently in the passenger seat, gave me the once-over.
Pif sat impatiently throughout the conversation, which lasted most of breakfast.
She sat impatiently for a minute before stopping them.
A line of cars sat impatiently at a McDonald's drive-through.
The man-woman sat impatiently on the remains of a cask off to one side, careful not to disturb the work at hand.