Take now my soul and bear it before him where he sits aloft on his throne of ever-burning brass; for I would fulfil my bond to the uttermost.
The moon shone full upon the face of the stone Witch who sits aloft forever.
I saw a light--perchance, Umslopogaas, it was the light of the moon, shining upon him that sat aloft at the end of the cave.
But I could not go alone--he who sat aloft in the cleft of the cave must go with me.
Now Umslopogaas glanced up at the stone face of her who sat aloft, and it was alight with the sunset.
Reason sat in azure mantle aloft, in a serene manner; Cannoneers, pipe in mouth, serving her as acolytes.
The driver, heavily muffled, sat aloft and neither stirred nor spoke as she approached.
Meantime Jack minded his asses and pigs, sat aloft in his tree, played his bagpipes, and was always merry and cheery.
Hearken, thine also shall be the wisdom of the old witch who sits aloft forever, frozen into everlasting stone--thine and one other's.
Then we went on in silence, and all the way the stone face of the Witch who sits aloft forever stared down on us from the mountain top.